
Hello from Japan.

Door to door, it was an eighteen-hour journey, but here I am - finally! - blogging from my grandparents' kitchen table in Tokyo. (We didn't have internet until this morning, so I apologize for missing a day yesterday.) I don't have pictures to share yet, but it's bound to be a busy week - in between visits with family, I'm hoping to eat as much as possible, indulge in some sort of out-there, only-in-Japan beauty treatment (like a "doctor fish" pedicure),

and, lastly, visit a cat cafe with Margaux, my sister-in-law. What's a cat cafe, you ask? It's where cat lovers confined to living in tiny Japanese apartments can indulge their cravings for feline attention. We're hoping to run into this guy while we're there (if you haven't heard of Maru, this is an absolute must-see):

Readers who've been to Japan: if you have any recommendations for things to see or do, let me know! Hope you're all having a lovely week.

Photo by Eric Rechsteiner/Panos via Marie Claire.


  1. glad you are there safely. enjoy and keep posting in japan! i'll just live through you...

  2. Maru is the cutest thing that I have ever seen. And yes, pictures please from the Cat Cafe. I am glad that you made it to Japan A OK.

  3. Looks like so much fun! Have a blast with your family. Bring the idea of animal cafes back to the US! I would love to visit a puppy cafe in Brooklyn :)

  4. shoko! how was your flight? wish i was going to cat cafes with you and margs, that sounds like so much fun! can't wait to hear all about it! xoxo

  5. Photos from the cat cafe - and many others - to come! Sarah, the flight was totally fine. I shouldn't have been so nervous. I read, listened to music, and watched episodes of my favorite embarrassing TV shows, and before I knew it, I was there! :)

  6. i've always wanted to do that fish pedicure! looks fun and ticklelish :)

  7. i LOVE maru, he is hilarious!

  8. I did a number of fish pedicures in Malaysia when I lived there. It was hilarious! We convinced some foreign travelers to try it for the first time and best memory of the guys giggling like little girls. Awesome.

  9. Taylor - That sounds awesome! I can't wait to try it next time!



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