
Courting Cues.

Three-quarters of a century ago, wrinkled stockings, gabbing about gowns, and "careless" conversation ("when a man dances, he wants to dance") would have been deal-breakers on a date. My, how far we've come! See more "Tips for Single Women," here.

Via Retronaut.


  1. Oh man I love things have changed!! ^_^

  2. just clicked on the rest of these, and the sentimental one made me laugh out loud. yeah, things have definitely changed, haha!

  3. These are amazing in an "I am SO glad I didn't live back then" kind of way!

  4. i can't imagine how many dates i've ruined by tugging at my girdle! hahaha! so good shoko.

  5. Hilarious! I would not have made it through the 1938 dating scene. I sit in awkward positions and make significant others wait all the time!

  6. I would love to see what hints and tips for dating were given to the males. I must remember not to fiddle with my girdle.

  7. Oh my goodness - this is a great reminder of how far we've come. Sometimes it's so easy to take the emancipation that many of our parents and grand-parents fought for, for granted. @Hotly Spiced - I was wondering about the very same thing :)

  8. Kathy, me too! I would for sure have been an old maid :)

    Charlie, yes, I wonder that, too!

  9. "Please and flatter your date by talking about the things that he wants to talk about."

    yea. right. homeboy needs to earn that kind of flattery.

  10. Ohhh my goodness, these are outta control! I never would have survived if I had to date back favorite one was the car mirror one. "Man needs it in driving, and it annoys him very much to have to turn around to see what's behind him." It reads like an animal documentary, haha.

    Also, upon first glance I totally thought that the car mirror was a digital camera that the girl was using to take a picture through the car window, and that the makeup mirror was a cell phone and the girl was trying to get service. Yep, definitely a different time period.

  11. LOL, I better smooth out those stocking wrinkles...
    Ronnie xo

  12. Ooops...I'd have been dumped long ago!



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