
Books & Bikinis.

I may be a little late to the game on this one, but I thoroughly enjoyed paging through MATCHBOOK this morning, a site devoted to finding perfect pairings of books and bathing suits (though it did occur to me as I was scrolling through that I haven't yet made it to the beach this summer - shameful!)

I know I asked this question in a recent post, but what have you been reading lately? Anything you've loved? (I'm about to start this.)

See more at MATCHBOOK, here. Have a wonderful Thursday, everyone!


  1. Awesome--love the match-ups! I'm in the middle of Peter Hessler's "Country Driving" and really enjoying it. (Though I love everything he writes.) But the best book I've read all year--and maybe ever--was Junot Diaz's "The Brief, Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao." I can't recommend it enough!

  2. I'm glad you posted this because I haven't seen it! So funny & cute!

  3. i just finished bones, blood + butter. I absolutely LOVED it!

  4. I would like to recommend Kate Harding's take:

  5. Heather, I actually have that book but haven't started it yet - excited now!

  6. This is incredible how much they match!! They should start selling suits & books together as a bundle!!

  7. I'm reading The History of Love by Nicole Krauss and it is wonderful! I would highly recommend it!

  8. poisonwood, that's one of my favorites! Such a good one.

  9. These are truly amazing! I've always loved this particular cover of Crime and Punishment (we have it at home) and although I could never wear the bikini (or does it qualify as a bathing suit?), I love it! The person behind Matchbook must have spent a ton of time to find the right matches - incredible! And I like Linda's idea of selling books and bikinis in a bundle! :-) Bones, Blood and Butter sounds like an inspriring read! I'm adding it to my list of books I want to read in the future. It's been a long time since I've read for "pleasure". Lately I've been reading a lot of books on freelancing and branding. I'm in the middle of Creative, Inc. and am expecting "The Right Brain Business Plan" by Jennifer Lee and " The Creative Entrepreneur" by Lisa Sonora Beam in the mail on Sat. (so much for my plan not to add more books to this household, haha!). Great find, Shoko!

  10. As much as I hate to admit it I've been reading the 50 Shades of Grey trilogy. I'm apprehensive to see the swimsuit for that book! :-P

  11. Hoo baby, that could get addicting. Also, I read through the first few comments, and my boyfriend just read The Brief, Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao a couple of months ago and really liked it as well!

  12. I read "Blood, Bones & Butter" a couple months ago - I love a good food related memoir! I'm in the middle of "Never Let Me Go" (a friend highly recommended it, but told me NOT to read any reviews/summaries or watch the trailer for the film... so I went in blind!). It's super cryptic at the beginning, I'm trusting my friend that it'll unfold soon. Next up will be "The Art of Fielding"... a baseball book that's not *really* about baseball with, from what i hear, some fantastically written characters. If it makes you feel better, I've had a beach-less summer, too! (Though I suppose it's for the best - nobody needs to see this gigantic belly in a swimsuit).

  13. Lisa, "Creative Inc." is awesome. It sounds like you're doing a lot of very productive, thought-provoking reading - I'm impressed!

    Amy, haha :)

  14. Auste, "The Art of Fielding" is supposed to be amazing - I'm so curious about it. Let me know what you think of it!

  15. i always love your book recommendations <3
    reading one man in tower by araving ariga now. blood, bones and butter next!

  16. LOL, that is awesome!
    Ronnie xo

  17. What a great pairing! Thanks for the introduction :) I just started The Forty Rules of Love and last night I saw a copy of Jonathan Franzen's How To Be Alone in a bookstore window. The title alone caught my interest and made me think of your post on the Equals Record a couple weeks ago.

  18. highly highly recommend "the art of fielding" too! also definitely read "the fault in our stars".



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