
Beauty & Terror.

Spotted these wise words the other day and fell in love.

I've joked a lot with friends lately about how so many of us seem to be in the midst of some sort of quarter-life crisis - whether it be career-related, relationship-related, or otherwise. Turns out, this growing-up-and-figuring-things-out business can be scary. What a great reminder that it can also be beautiful, eye-opening, full of wonder. Just keep going. 

Image via Asuyeta


  1. Oh! I need to read something like this today! Thanks :)

  2. "Just keep going" - I love that!
    Ronnie xo

  3. Thanks for sharing! And you know what, growing up never ends ♥

  4. love the visuals of this!
    related: when i was 25 my Dad came to visit and brought, 100% UNSOLICITED, a copy of "Conquering Your Quarterlife Crisis." TO THIS DAY I still wonder what weird thing I must have said to him in conversation that prompted the gift, and my best friend (and roommate at the time) still have not stopped laughing about it.

  5. I love that, "no feeling is final." A good mantra!

  6. I love Rilke, and this is *so* good. Thank you thank you for posting!

  7. Yes, no feeling is final really rings true! Thank you for sharing this!

  8. Of course no feeling is final. Well I actually can not believe such a drama queen I was at my twenties. Apparently, when I turned 30, this drama started to fade gradually, and I went back to feel confident or am on the way to. 'Just keep going' can be the best advice :)

  9. That is really lovely. I was actually having a similar conversation with a colleague yesterday - my partner and I are moving interstate next month, but nothing is finalised yet due to external circumstances. "Aren't you scared?" my colleague asked. "What's the point?" I replied. "I can't control it, so there's no point worrying. I'm just sitting back and waiting to see what happens."

  10. Erika, so I hear! That's a good thing!

    Morgan, so funny! There are days I could really use that book :)

    Jessica, so very wise...

  11. Quite possibly my new favorite quote.

  12. just what I needed to read today. I went through my quarter life crisis and then again in my quarter life plus since I'm heading toward middle (gasp!) age. Each year that passes and each experience has a purpose. You learn from it, grow from it and move on after it. This much I know. And no matter how stressful it gets, I just remind myself of the last stressful, worrisome, overwhelming thing (and also the amazing and wonderful things) and where I came out on the other side.

  13. Right there with you on this twenties angsty-ness (if that's even a word). Learning to accept that not all parts of your life line up when & the way you want them to is proving to be a very challenging lesson indeed. Nice to know that there are some others out there feeling the same growing pains.

  14. Thank you for sharing this, Shoko! It's just what I needed to hear, today!

  15. i love this quote :)

    and I have several quarter-life crises lately....I'm hoping that when I reach my 30's, things will settle down a bit and find its little niche in my life :)



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