
Guthrie's Goals.

I love artist Mat Pringle's illustrated representations of Woody Guthrie's 1942 "New Year's Rulin's." I didn't make any New Year's resolutions this year, but I'm inspired to do so belatedly after finding this. I think I'll borrow #15 (see below) and #19, too. I'd also add one about spending more time outdoors, and another about finally visiting the Met. (Oh, and on a much more frivolous note, I think this would make an excellent addition, too.)

See more on Mat Pringle's blog, here (he's been posting new "rulin's" daily),  and on his official website, here. Now get out there, have a wonderful day, and learn people better! 


  1. Those are so cool!! I love the write a song a day one. Can you imagine? I bet they would get pretty funny/silly.

  2. I like the range: "brush your teeth" all the way to "understand humanity." Definitely could use some Woody inspiration in my daily life. Great find :)

  3. i love guthrie's list! i read them a couple years ago and saved a copy. in fact, i was going to write a blog post about them, but i failed to do that... which i guess is fine because i didn't really make any resolutions about keeping up with all the posts i have lined up. :)

  4. Stephanie, haha! That would be a very hard resolution to keep - for me, anyway :)

  5. Hahahaha! How does one dress like they're going to Jimi Hendrix's funeral?? I think it would involve a lot of fringe, for some reason. Loving the simplicity of these New Year's Rulin's. I'm adding #26 and #15 to my list!

  6. Kathy, I don't know, but I'm sure it would have to be SPECTACULAR.

  7. Hmmm, I think I would actually be more likely to keep my resolutions if I had cute little drawings to remind me! Must keep this in mind...=]

  8. I really like the simplicity of #1. I didn't make any resolutions either because I like the idea of having one short mantra to follow loosely. I'm going to go with that one. :)

  9. Amazing! Thank you Shoko for introducing his work!

  10. Mat, it's my pleasure completely - I'm such a fan!



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