
Shoes Over Bills.

Hannah K. Lee's Shoes Over Billsin which the illustrator equates the cost of shoes with other, less glamorous expenses - makes me laugh. While I don't think I've ever spent the dollar equivalent of emergency dental work on footwear (I'm in these almost every day), I will admit to spending shameful sums each month on things like oysters. Artisanal dairy products. Mysterious cosmetic potions with names like Mermaid Spray. In short, on some level, I can relate.

Visit Hannah K. Lee's website, here, and shop, here. Thank you to Mallory for clueing me in!


  1. Love it, sadly I so so relate!

  2. Haha this is hilarious. I'm not an expensive shoe purchaser either-except for my Hunters I got as a birthday present. But it's fun to see what you could've gotten for 25 loads of laundry :)

  3. This made me laugh outloud! I have this problem when it comes to facials and beauty products--especially face masks. I'm such a sucker for them. How do you like the Mermaid Spray?

  4. me in a nutshell.

  5. Kathy, it's awesome. Totally worth it :)

  6. Haha, I can definitely relate as well. I have a bit of a housewares obsession, and frequent places like Canvas and ABC Home & Carpet ALL the time. At least bowls aren't *usually* as expensive as shoes. :)

  7. Oh goodness - Didz will get a kick out of this. Moving required purging of closet and shoe collections - he definitely made some comparisons about how much of this or that we could've purchased with the money I've spent on shoes... This is perfect.

  8. artisanal dairy products = totally worth it.

  9. Linda, I have a strange obsession with dishware, too. At least it's useful!

  10. this is funny, cute and serious, all in one.

  11. This is brilliant... and I think would have the effect of making me feel LESS guilty!

  12. oh funny and so true!



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