

Every now and then, I come across a piece of art, or a series of photographs, or a poem, or a painting, and I think, this artist/photographer/poet/painter and I could be friends. He/she gets me. As a matter of fact, this happened today when I came across Jen Collins's blog, which features drawings titled "Animals That I Did Not Meet." I love everything about this little collection, especially that chubby dog, who's clearly up to no good. 

See more at Jen Collins's websiteshop, and blog. Thanks, Gems

And, just because, three additional happy things: birthday sandwiches, beast friends, and the 100 things "you honestly don't need to do before you die." (Example: "You must never swim with dolphins. If they ever want to swim with you, I'm sure they'll let you know.") 


  1. Thank you for my mid-morning chuckle, those silly animals are just too sweet. xo

  2. Haha, I love this!

  3. These are great! It's funny and interesting that she has chosen to draw animals she never met versus one she has.

  4. so cute and funny! love the shaved persian lol!

  5. Check out her other work, as well - it's great!

  6. love her drawings and her etsy shop is now one of my favorites. what a good find!

  7. oh my goodness, these are genius. the cat one needs to be framed and on our wall.

  8. love these. the kitty with a small head reminds me of ramona!

  9. love this so much! so quirky and i like her sense of humor!



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