
Pantry Peeks.

Pantry Confidential - which reveals "how food lovers actually eat in their own homes" - is one of my new favorite websites. Founders Hana and Christine ask chefs and culinary enthusiasts for kitchen secrets and peeks into their pantries - in one feature, Kill The Recipe writer Mark Andrew Gravel confesses a passion for heirloom cowpeas and dub reggae ("my favorite thing to cook to");

in another, food editor and salad expert Mindy Fox shares that her new refrigerator has her in "supreme fridge heaven" and offers this interesting knife-skills tidbit: "The way you slice a vegetable impacts the way you experience its texture and flavor; the same goes with cheeses and other ingredients."

Meanwhile, Olga Massov of Sassy Radish describes a dream meal that includes Wellfleet oysters, clam pizza, and cold borscht. I also love her thoughts on writing: "Writing is a muscleI try to write every day. Random thoughts and bits. Things that no one ever sees. Sometimes it's just a sentence or two. Other times it's pages. It all depends. Sometimes you start writing about a chair you're sitting on and how you should've paid a little extra and purchased lumbar support (if only you knew it was an option!) and you wind up remembering a cake your grandmother made. Just the process of putting words on paper is excellent."

For more, visit Pantry Confidential, here. Photographs by Christine Han.


  1. such a great discovery - thank you!

  2. There are many more interviews on the site - check it out!

  3. Thanks for introducing me to this site. I love to check out other people's kitchens!

  4. Oh my, this is a treasure trove of greatness. I'm going to bookmark it for now and get lost in it later. Thanks for sharing, Shoko!

  5. thank you for the intro!

  6. Hi Shoko! Thanks so much for the link love and shout-out; we so appreciate your readership! Keep up the great work on your lovely site as well. :)

    Hana + Christine

  7. Hana and Christine, you are so welcome. I love, love, love your work!



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