

Painter Lee Price's photorealistic self portraits are impressive to begin with, but it was her explanation for choosing to focus on a woman's relationship with food that really got me. She tells Don't Panic: "Often, women are brought up to control their appetites. Not just for food, but in many areas of life. We are taught to be givers, to nurture others at the expense of our own needs (in a way that men are not). I think food, for some reason, is one way we have chosen to give back to ourselves - to attempt to nurture ourselves."

Pancakes, pie, and sugar cereal in the bath; peaches and cherry cheesecake in bed: it's a little funny and a little frightening, a little foreign and a little familiar. 

More from Lee Price, here. Happy Thursday!


  1. My initial reaction was to laugh, because this reminded me of this one time I brought a chocolate peanut butter milkshake with me into the shower. It was one of those situations where i had to either take it with me or share, and I really didn't want to share. I learned that day that cold beverages in hot showers are amazing and it is entirely worth it to not share with others, sometimes.

    I agree with the feelings of familiarity and strangeness this series elicits, though - perhaps even a little sadness. It's definitely given me some food for thought (sorry, I couldn't help it), today. Thanks for sharing :-)

  2. These are so beautiful! Lovely subject matter. Who doesn't like to eat?

  3. These are so beautiful! Lovely subject matter. Who doesn't like to eat?

  4. i've loved these for a while. would love to own one!

  5. I agree beautiful imagery and an amazing explanation, I'd never really thought of food like that but to me it makes a whole lot of sense :)

  6. i can't believe these are paintings.

  7. Kathy, cold beverages and hot showers - amazing!

    Max, me too!

  8. I love this so much! The nudey one in the tub with the lemons would make such a beautiful blown up piece of art on a wall.

    xo! Dakota



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