
Crafted Crops.

"Just think," I found myself saying to my roommate Jamie last night, "In five short months, it'll be summer, and we'll have the windows open, and it'll be so hot we won't know what to do with ourselves."

As it happens, it's six degrees right now in New York City, the streets are blanketed in snow, and our windows are glazed in a thick layer of frost. The world outside is cold and colorless - which is why this handmade paper orchard, comprised of thousands of pieces of paper produce, caught my attention.

I'm a little late to the game (the orchard was built in 2011 by Gloss Creative at Melbourne's GPO); still, this morning, I can't imagine a more welcome sight.

Visit Gloss Creative's website, here. Photos by Sam Ali and Marcel Aucar.


  1. oooh yes! What a good idea, deck your walls in green when you can't see green outside just yet. Just a few more months!!

  2. Beautiful... I can't wait for Winter to be over.

  3. oh wow! this is so beautiful! i would love to see that up close! the colors look so pretty!

  4. What a sight for my cabin-fevered, computer screen-glazed eyes! We are another day closer to warmer weather...

  5. Dervla and Kathy, just three or four more months...

  6. I personally want the months to slow down so I can enjoy my summer here in Australia :) he he he
    If we never had the cold we'd never enjoy the warmth so much!

  7. Fee, that's an excellent point!

  8. I saw this on your blog on my phone last night, such a breath of spring and sunshine!

  9. Thanks so much for Blogging about our "Spring Orchard" Its so lovely to get such great feedback - very warm here in Melbourne now , so were sending all our warm vibes to you in NYC! Cheers from Amanda and the team at Gloss Creative.



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