
Best Medicine.

Delighted to have stumbled across this enlightening feature in an old issue COLORS Magazine, which highlights the myriad health benefits of laughter, and, more specifically, something called "laughing yoga." The practice originated in India in the mid-nineties and encourages a purposeful inclusion of laughter in everyday life. 

Below, factory workers in West Delhi work with expert Jiten Kohi on exercises including "the One-Meter Laugh, which involves measuring an imaginary fabric, then bursting into laughter when it's one-meter long."

As the article states, "By the age of four, children are on average laughing 300 times per day; most adults only manage 20. Laugh more." Yes.

See more at COLORS Magazine (including detailed diagrams on how to laugh), here. Wonderful photos by Boris Austin.


  1. haha Loved the diagrams!

  2. So much love for this! And these pictures made me smile today. :]

  3. so much happiness here.

  4. I can't tell you how much I love this!

  5. This is so awesome. Laughing is so much fun!

  6. Made my day - thank you!

  7. The power of laughing very strong. This was a good reminder. Thanks!

  8. this is wonderful!
    actually, it may sound very funny, but the subject of laughter often reminds me of "the name of the rose" and the infamous "book of laughter" by plato who was said to have written of its myriad benefits.



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