
Backyard Bungalow.

This house, featured today in The New York Times, is 84 square feet. It belongs to a woman named Dee Williams and it's located in a friend's backyard in Olympia. It's solar-powered but lacks a shower, and provides just enough space for its inhabitant's 300-odd belongings. But with so little to store - and a history of health problems - it's all she needs. Dee says, "Living in a little house made sense for me, it clicked. It gave me a chance to live close to my friends and be happy with the time that I have." (Read the full article by Steven Kurutz, here.) 

Photos by Stuart Isett for The New York Times. Happy Thursday!


  1. we're also downsizing but not worthy compared to this.

  2. Oh my! Her little bungalow is adorable! I don't think I could minimize enough to do it though, but good on her!

  3. How interesting, it really is tiny!

  4. I understand her thinking. Bravo to doing it. To me, it's all up to your attitude. You can do anything you want to do.

  5. It's a dream of mine to own one of these amazing little houses on a trailer, what a great thing to be able to move your home anywhere :)

  6. I love this. I want to read her memoir.



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