
Grandpa's Photos.

Dave Tomkins launched his beautiful website Grandpa's Photos in the hopes of helping his aging grandfather, Stephen Clarke, remember where he shot the photographs he'd taken over the course of an adventure-filled lifetime. Clarke had just been admitted to a nursing home when the photos were found and had trouble remembering the stories behind them - so his grandson decided to post one hundred of the images online and ask the public for help in pinpointing their locations. "The hope is simply that people will appreciate [the photos] and share them, making him, if only in my book, great at one more thing," he wrote.

Sadly, Clarke has since passed away, but Tomkins is still on the hunt for hints, and plans to visit the locations he finds to pay homage to the past in person.

As the granddaughter of three amazing individuals who spent the last years of their lives with Alzheimer's, this project strikes such a personal chord. Visit Grandpa's Photos, here, and lend clues if you can.

Photos by Stephen Clarke.


  1. I love this concept! So beautiful to remember old people. Who they were, what they did... so many stories to tell!

  2. You always share such amazing and beautiful things, but I promise that this one is my favorite. How original and sweet and cool. I love this so much.

  3. What a wonderful man!

  4. Tara, it just might be one of my favorites, too :)

  5. This is an amazing project! It breaks my heart in the best sort of way.

  6. This is beyond wonderful :)

  7. Thanks so much everyone! I'm now in Europe about to embark on this trip. So great to get everyones well wishes. New photos and tones of the photos found. Updating the site asap.

    Dave Tomkins -

  8. This is such an amazing project. I tried to do something similar with my Grandpa before he passed away. He was a bareback bull rider for years and had a box of old rodeo photos; it was such a challenge for him to remember where they were taken at age 94. Thanks so much for sharing!

  9. Dave, thank you for the update! So excited to continue following your adventure.

  10. Love this, the post reminded me of my grandfather and how awesome he was ♥

  11. This is so beautiful! My grandfather died recently and I have been going through his photos and writings and savouring the person he was. Shoko, if you don't mind, when you post things like this do you contact the author first before posting the photos or do you simply make sure that you have linked properly to the sites. I'm new to blogging and don't know what the protocols are and don't want to violate copyright or offend anyone, obviously. Thanks!



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