
Recommended Reading / 05.

Every Monday, words to start the week.

This week: I've always loved these two lists of beliefs, written by Susan Sontag as a child at 14, and as a young adult at 24. The former addresses themes of life and death, freedom, and government; the latter  extols privacy, culture, and old buildings. (Twenty-four-year-old Susan also lists sleeping, children, and meat as likes.) 

I love how the later list contains far fewer words. In many ways, I feel I take life less seriously now than I did at 14 or 15, and have less of an urge (and less time) to explain myself. I've changed in many others ways since then, too, but I do like to think that regardless of age, I'll always believe in adventure, and play, stories, mermaids

(See also: Susan Sontag on love and art and "doing stuff".)

Three more links, just because:
-Hide-and-seek with Momo.
-Mustache protectors and pickle forks: Victorian inventions that never took off.
-"Forget safety."

Photo by Annie Leibovitz. More recommended reading, here.


  1. this is the first time i'm laying eyes on those lists - SO good.

  2. hahaha...I almost couldn't find Momo in the stuffed animals. And such a great list (as always). I especially love that Rumi quote.

  3. Love Momo. Gotta get the book.

  4. So great. What a smart woman.

  5. Kathy, that one made me laugh out loud :)

  6. I love the difference in the lists, it's nice to learn to take yourself less seriously :) Also how amazingly cute are those hide and seek photos - eep, definitely had fun hunting Momo down!

  7. Love the lists. I think I've had a similar change in not taking myself as seriously now as I did ten or twenty years ago. It seems like I keep feeling younger relative to my actual age, and less sure of my own abilities. Hopefully the trend reverses at some point!

  8. Brain Pickings always has good stuff. It's so fascinating to read other people's journals.

  9. I love the lists and hide-and-seek with momo!



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