
Recommended Reading / 08.

Every Monday, words to start the week.

This week, via The New York Times: Fascinating advice from Marie Kondo of Japan, a master of home organization and the author of "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up." Ms. Kondo suggests getting rid of items that do not "spark joy," thanking each for its duty first. As Penelope Green so poignantly paraphrases, "Tidying is a dialogue with oneself." Find Green's full article, here(I'd also recommend reading the readers' comments on the right-hand side of the page — click "Readers' Picks" for a curated assortment.)

Three more links, just because:
-Midnight snacks.
-Music from Saharan Cellphones.
-Tolstoy on happiness: "A quiet secluded life in the country, with the possibility of being useful to people to whom it is easy to do good, and who are not accustomed to have it done to them; then work which one hopes may be of some use; then rest, nature, books, music, love for one's neighbor — such is my idea of happiness.

More recommended reading, here. Happy Monday!


  1. This is a wonderful article and fascinating comments!Love Ms. Kondo's suggestion of give thanks to throw-away. Decluttering is, from my experience, to learn to let-go. In the end, it was an (exhausting but)eye opening experience. Thanks for sharing!

  2. This is so helpful. My husband and I are decluttering and downsizing as we prepare to move to a smaller space. Reorganizing when we get there is going to be tough. I need these tips today, and I should try to find that book!

  3. What an interesting way of looking at one's belongings. I tidy up by leaving things in an organized mess, but this makes me want to take a harder look at my things when I get home later today (and sip cardamom hot chocolate while listening to Saharan cellphones while I'm at it!). Thank you for sharing! It's all so good!

  4. fascinating indeed!

  5. Brianne, good luck with your move! (And if you buy the book, let me know how it is!)

    Kathy, I like the idea of an "organized mess"! And I zeroed in on that hot chocolate recipe right away — looks/sounds/must be amazing :)

  6. I do love to tidy up. I get a little crazed living with people who are far less Type A than I am.

  7. Love the links. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Oh, I have to read that book. What a pity it's temporarily out of stock! :(

  9. I think I need this book, though as a borderline hoarder I'm also a little scared. Perhaps my love of all things Japanese will help the de-clutter process :)

  10. Those midnight snacks look too good. Especially the grilled cheese. Sigh.

  11. it is funny, but just a little while ago, i was reading about the impact clutter has on our psychologies, and it struck me deeply because living in a small apartment, clutter can pile up in minutes and it takes a constant effort to keep it in check.

    this little piece of advice is so sweet, yet also brilliant. it is like a healthy letting go process.



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