
Non-Career Advice: Kisha Bari.

Non-Career Advice is a series that asks people - young, old, and in a range of occupations - for words of wisdom unrelated to work, career-building, dollars, or getting ahead.

Kisha Bari / Photographer
Also: Singer / dancer / self-taught surfer
Age: 34

Let your gut lead, always. "I think with my heart — I've never been one to use my head. Before I left Australia for New York, my best friend took me to dinner and tried to help lay a plan for me to make it in America. And I said to him, 'My only plan is to approach things with excitement, even if it doesn't make me any money.' This hasn't always been the smartest move financially — there have been times when I've only had enough in my account to pay my rent and nothing else — but that's  okay. You can't be creative without a range of experiences, good or bad. And five years later, I'm still here, so something must be working. 

That said, I'm open to change, too — I'm getting older; I have a partner now. I realize I can't always jump off cliffs when I'm not sure what's at the bottom. But change is part of the adventure. And choosing to follow adventure means I'm still living according to what makes me happy, no matter what. I'm not the most logical thinker, but that makes perfect sense to me."

Thanks so much, Kisha. More from the Non-Career Advice series, here. Photo by Krzysztof Jestem.


  1. beautiful advice, kisha.

  2. Wise and beautifully stated. Thanks, Kisha and you, too, Shoko!

  3. Here is the very good example of there are more than one formula. We have to find the one works for you. This series is wonderful for this reason. I can't wait for next one.

  4. so articulate and wise. everyone should read this.

  5. I love this. I also want to surf with Kisha.

  6. LOVE this series. Beautiful and wise advices, always.

  7. *high five Kisha* love these words :)

  8. Yes to all of this! I'm going to be 33 this year and have a career I feel like I could do for the long haul, but I'm also freelancing still. It'll be interesting to see what challenges and opportunities come down the pipeline in the next 9 months.

  9. This picture and these words - what a babe! Super inspiring and heartening to read. Thanks for sharing!

  10. She's a smart one indeed! Thanks again, Kisha!



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