
Non-Career Advice: Julia Robbs.

Non-Career Advice is a series that asks people - young, old, and in a range of occupations - for words of wisdom unrelated to work, career-building, dollars, or getting ahead.

Julia Robbs / Photographer
Also: Bikerbird watcher / baked goods buff
Age: 28

Quality over quantity in all things (including non-things). "If I've developed any sort of motto in life, it's quality over quantity. I'd rather have less and love what I have, than fill my life with things that don't mean ultimately mean anything. That applies to everything: my husband and I invest in what we call 'forever pieces' for our apartment, and we'll hold out on buying things if they aren't just right. I wear the same pair of shoes every day, but I love them. And friendships? In my earlier twenties, numbers mattered more — I wanted to be friends with everyone, but in the end, I wasn't cultivating rich relationships. I recently moved from Brooklyn to San Francisco, and finding my place in a new city has been an interesting challenge. Part of me wants to get comfortable as quickly as I can — but building friendships and finding a community takes time. All worthwhile investments do."

Thanks so much, Julia. More from the Non-Career Advice series, here


  1. that last line gave me chills. amen.

  2. Exactly. She said it so much better than I could have though.

  3. wonderful advice! this is an amazing series and it gets better and better.

  4. Yay love this series - what good advice and a great photographer!

  5. Beautiful advice. Wise soul!

  6. Just perfect. I'm moving to San Francisco and I don't have a single friend there. I hope to build strong relationships with a few rather than meet many.

  7. This is so true. I'm learning (mostly the hard, painful, friendships ending way) that a few friends are better than a million acquaintances.

  8. I think Julia has it sorted, I'm slowly crawling to that place too, to really value the possessions you own *nods enthusiastically*

  9. This is absolutely wonderful advice...and what I will keep in mind especially when I move to San Francisco next year!

  10. The series you share here, Shoko, are unlike any other I've come across - I really love this; Julia offers some seriously good, applicable to all, advice here. Thank you for bringing her words to our attention!

  11. I'm so glad you all are enjoying this series — it's been such an amazing project to work on. I feel incredibly lucky to get to speak to so many inspiring people about such interesting things! Thank you for reading, and many thanks to Julia for sharing!



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