
Living Close.

Some of my earliest memories involve making homes out of some of the tiniest hidden corners in the house. I'd cart my things into the front hallway and camp out under the narrow table near the heater, or the space beneath the bottom shelf in the hall closet. Somewhere, there's a photo of me reading a book in a plastic laundry basket, limbs overflowing. Small-ness, I remember thinking, was soothing.

Photographer Won Kim's series Enclosed shines a light into some of Tokyo's tiniest living spaces —in this case, the rooms are part of a backpackers' hostel. Each room is made of plywood and contains no windows or doors. Won writes, "For me, the real interest of the resulting portraits is in how each resident has made use of such a small, confining space...the sharply-defined space and its contents tell something about... his or her ability to function in such a strange, enclosed environment." What I find fascinating about them are the looks on each resident's face. They seem — to this fan of small spaces, anyway — lost in thought, completely comfortable, oblivious to the walls around them.

See more at Won Kim's website, here


  1. they do look fine. can't imagine it though.

  2. So cool to see how other people live...

  3. Wow! That's all I can say.

  4. I love this project by the same artist, too:

  5. This actually made me think of my cat before it reminded me that when I was younger, small felt safe. The way Ramona wedges herself into boxes too small, or slivers of space between the bed and the wall looks so uncomfortable, yet she is content to stay in those places for hours.

  6. Nooks! I'm obsessed with nooks. My new apartment is a pretty small one bedroom, and I'm really looking forward to making it a cozy home and feeling all nestled in by the time autumn and winter come.

  7. I love this, I have this kind of this weird fascination with having my belongings being super close to me, though I imagine if that was my space there wouldn't be any room to move :P



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