
Robin's Nest.

Peter Becker's Robin's Nest is a hotel in Hesse, Germany completely comprised of treehouses. Becker tells iGNANT that until recently, the project was a one-man operation – just a sanctuary amid the trees, far from the bustle of Berlin and nowhere near a Wifi connection.

"It's a conscious decision so that people who come here can see and feel nature without their smartphones," he says. "When I ask people why they've come here, they tell me that they've already been to Spain and Italy ten times, but they haven't explored their own surroundings."

Read more at iGNANT. Photographs by Ana Santl.

For more on treehouse hotels: here's an article I wrote for VICE on Sweden's Treehotel (still high on my list of places to visit!).


  1. They need to hire you to go around the World testing out these tree houses and write an amazing book on them all :) :) Best Seller!

  2. love this post, thank you Shoko!



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