
Seeing Double.

I last wrote about French curator Sandrine Kerfante—whose blog, Twin-Niwt, explores themes of symmetry and twinned identities—three years ago. Last week, I received an email from her announcing the release of a book of images based on her finds. (Chronicle Books says that it's just right for friends "who feel as close as sisters, actual sisters who feel as close as twins, and actual twins who will see their duality reflected ways.")

"I hope you'll like it," Sandrine wrote in her email. I do.


  1. such a powerful image. they are beautiful, yet these pictures have something in them that's a bit eerie and mysterious to me. you know, the feeling when you watch Once Upon a Time opening title. Like you step into the dark forest of a magical land. they give me that feeling.

  2. Love it! Thanks for sharing.

  3. oh wow, I imagine the book is amazing - those images are stunning :)

  4. Oh Shoko- these types of posts are why I fell in love with your blog so many years ago! Simple and unique. I have so much catching up to do.


  5. Beautiful! How wonderful to finally see more of her work in a book.



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